Dating has changed within the 21st century, people are even more sceptical to go out on dates when they have free time because of this.
Whats an ideal date for u?
We all have hopes and dreams of the ideal perfect date coming true, 88% of the time, this will not happen on the first date. This doesn't mean you should be put off. Bear in mind we all have had that bad experience on a first date we would definitely like to forget. This shouldn't put you in a bad state of mind as the world population is over 7.125 billion which indicates if you keep trying you will eventually find the right person!
This topic will be more aimed at men, considering you will be the one offering to take the lady you like out!
Through market research we are able to give you some tips/pointers:
First, before you offer to take her out, try and get to know her. find out her likes and dislikes, which is paramount as you wouldn't want to end up doing, or even saying something she doesn't like, especially as you are trying to impress her! If your lucky you may find out where her dream place is to go, if it's out of your price range a little improvisation can often score you points.
Ladies: don't just go on a date for the sake of it. You can often be wasting each others times if you do. A lot of women on the survey had no intention of being with their partners that they chose to go on a date with. Feedback we got was 'It was a date to pass the time.' If the guy has a slight chance of being with you, then fair enough, otherwise to go on a date because your bored can often end up hurting the guys feelings once he knows he was just being used.
Signs that show you may not be compatible
An awkward silence, this could mean that you don't have that much in common with each other.
Incompatible sense of humour: If you don't share the same sense of humour, then sometimes the persons jokes can be overwhelming, irritating and unfunny.
No eye Contact: If you do not make eye contact with each other this also could indicate that there is no physical attraction. This may not be such a big deal as long-lasting relationships and marriages have overcome this.
Try to find out your compatibility levels before going out on a date, this can sometimes stop upsets. If you do not have a lot of things in common this can big a factor into dates having awkward silences and being unsuccessful. However, If you can grow together and develop things you like, brilliant.
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